AiDAR™ is a
software-only LiDAR

AiDAR™ is a revolutionary new sensor that gives you LiDAR-like performance for the price of a camera.

Training with Camera and LiDAR data

AiDAR™ is a Spatial AI trained with video images and a corresponding LiDAR point cloud. AiDAR™ can reproduce the point cloud based on the camera input.

Camera-only operated

In operation AiDAR™ performs like a LiDAR, based only on the video input.

So how will AiDAR™ improve your system …

AiDAR™ costs only
20% of what you pay for an automotive LiDAR today.

AiDAR™ comes at only 10% of the cost of an industrial LiDAR.


LiDAR works well in freespace, where the ranging function is safety critical. In a complex space, where robots interact with things, the classification function is safety critical. This works better with AiDAR™ due to its higher resolution.

AI Safety

Building a naive Spatial AI will result in many points with incorrect positions and misclassifications. AiDAR™ is built with our unique and patented technology Better AI™, which makes it possible to achieve the same high performance as LiDAR.


AiDAR™ predicts a 3D point cloud, just like a LiDAR which makes sensor fusion super easy. Most industry safety standards require a redundant multi-channel system, for which AiDAR™ + LiDAR is an excellent solution.

Flexible Sensor SetUp

AiDAR™ is instantiated independently for each camera and does not depend on any concrete arrangement of sensors.

Free Choice of
Camera and Lens

AiDAR™ is software-only and works with any combination of camera and lens which can be chosen to fit any customer requirement.

Functional Safety

We have a proven safety case to get AiDAR™ certified for all industry safety standards.